DAVE HANLON began drumming at the age of 14. While playing in bands through High School, and  College, he developed a wide musical experience. After teaching High School for one year, he went full time as a musician, playing with Regional & National bands such as DOVE, C.R.A.C.,Mercury recording artist Duke Jupiter, and became a band leader for the 1st time with Dave Hanlon's Funky Jazz Band in 1975.

In 1983 he formed Dave Hanlon's Cookbook.

This award winning band performed  in Central New York and based out of Syracuse NY.for 35 years! Cookbook recorded 3 CD's. The last two received SAMMY awards.

Dave has received many awards including 6 SAMMYS, one of which was The Hall Of Fame Award, given to him by his former student Jon Fishman of Phish. Additionally Dave received Hall Of Fame Awards for being a member of the Bands, CRAC & DOVE. He also received the Rochester Music Hall Of Fame Award with fellow band mates of Duke Jupiter.

in 2016, Dave won "Most Inspirational International Drummer" on Studio Jams.

He was a co-clinician  with Legendary Drummer Louis Bellson in Syracuse and

Los Angeles. He can be found on 70 releases of Studio Jams/ Lest We Forget Musicians  sessions on You Tube,which has generated over 6 Million views .

Additionally Dave can be seen on Tom Emmi's

newest Series, "LESTWEFORGETMUSICIANS.ORG " tributes to the late Chris Vadala, Hal Blaine, Wallace Rooney, Lee Konitz, Bobby Comstock, Bill Withers, Hal Ketchum, and others.


in 2016, Dave formed DAVE HANLON'S FUNKY JAZZ BAND..


Dave is also performing with, Dave Hanlon Trio.

Dates are listed on FunkyJazzband.com.

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On November 8th, 2019, KINGUNDERGROUND Records from England,  released the 1980 CRAC Album "All For YOU" on Vinyl & Streaming for Worldwide Release. Available @ Spotify, Bandcamp,

I Tunes, Amazon, & Apple Music, & KINGUNDERGROUND.COM

CRAC had it's Album pressed into CD format, and was released in Japan in Summer of 2020..